No need for us to explain what a podcast is…they have taken the media world by storm! Far from competing with the radio, podcasts allow people to relisten to your shows whenever they want. So, how do you create podcasts for your radio and put them online?
Recording a podcast
When it comes to radios, the term “podcast” is often used to talk about programs heard on air that are later available to listen to on replay. We can also talk about Catch-up radios which, unlike traditional podcasts, aren’t broadcasted before being available to listen to. In order to have your podcasts, you must first and foremost record your shows.
- If you broadcast live: The easiest way to do this is to directly record your live show. There’s nothing to it, many broadcasting programs allow you to record live, such as StudioKing for example.
- Do you usually record your programs before broadcasting them? In that case, you already have your podcasts! You can use software like Audacity or Garage Band for Mac to record your show.
- If you’re a bit of a wanderer and like to record your programs outside, you can create your own portable studio thanks to a portable digital recorder such as the Zoom H5.

Broadcasting a Podcast
Now that your program has been recorded, you must host your podcast. Once again, there are several options to choose from.
- Host your podcast at a specialised host such as Ausha or Soundcloud. All you have to do is upload your MP3 files on one of these platforms. You will then be able to share your podcasts on Social Networks, podcast aggregators (iTunes, Google Podcasts…) and your website seeing as most hosts offer a player.
Example of the Ausha player
Tip : From a Radio point of view, it’s interesting to create a stream by broadcast, this way your listeners can easily find their way around your programs.
- Upload your podcasts directly to your Radio Website. The website has a module for Podcasts where you can directly upload them. From your website, your listeners will be able to listen to or directly download your podcast.
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