9 tips to get your radio station ready for September
September is just around the corner, so it’s time to say goodbye to the summer holidays and head back to work/school. As the days get a bit cooler and the leaves start to change color, radio stations...
10 ideas for back-to-school programs on your radio!
With the start of the new school year fast approaching, it’s the perfect time to delight your listeners with new back-to-school radio programs. Whether you’re a budding radio creator or a professional,...
Prepare your radio station for summer 2023
Summer is an exciting time for radio station owners. It is a time when listeners have more free time to listen to their favorite station. However, it can also be a challenging time in terms of radio station...
Celebrate World Music Day On Your Radio Station
Music is a powerful tool that has the ability to appease, motivate and unite us. No wonder we have World Music Day to highlight the power it holds. “Music is a world within itself. It’s a language we...
RadioKing celebrates its 10th birthday!
10 years of RadioKing! Where did the time go? Grab a tissue while we take a little walk down memory lane… Where it all started It all started back in 2013 in Lille, with 2 University students, and an idea....
Celebrate World Radio Day on your Radio Station
Radio is still an incredibly relevant medium in our daily lives. Whether you listen in your car on your morning commute, or via a radio mobile app, it’s a fantastic way to listen to your favorite music or keep...
Phenyx Pro PTX-15 Mixing Console Review
This week we’re looking at the Phenyx Pro PTX-15 USB 4-channel mixing console. With the wide range of mixers available today, it can sometimes be difficult to decide which one to purchase. In this article, we go...
Musical holidays to celebrate on your radio in 2023
2023 is upon us, and it’s time to start thinking about what your radio station is going to bring to your listeners this year. If you’re looking for inspiration, we’ve got you covered! Here are various musical...
Our Top Articles of 2022
Another year has gone by and the RadioKing blog has continued to flourish with new radio tips, tutorials and news each week. Our team worked hard throughout 2022 to provide you with a new RadioKing listening app,...
Phenyx Pro PTX-10B Audio Mixer Bundle Review
We’re constantly on the lookout for great audio equipment that meets the needs of radio broadcasters and podcasters. This week, we’re testing the Phenyx Pro PTX-10B USB Interface Audio Mixer Bundle, available for...
Maonocaster E2 Portable Podcast Equipment review
We’re back with another product review, and this week we’re looking at the Maonocaster E2 portable live streaming and podcast console. This audio interface is also a great tool for radio broadcasters, streamers, or...
Give your listeners the shivers this Halloween!
Halloween is coming, and you still have enough time to get your radio station ready! It’s the perfect way to make your radio stand out