Set Up A Radio Station To Broadcast Live With Multiple Presenters
Wondering how to do a live radio broadcast? Look no further! In this article we’ll explain how to set up a radio station
Broadcast Live With Multiple Presenters Anywhere In The World
In this article, we’ll be looking at how to go live with multiple presenters in different locations using Cleanfeed.
Broadcast your FM Radio Station on the Internet
Are you interested in having your FM radio station broadcast on the Internet? Well you’re quite right to want to do so, internet broadcasting has its many advantages. In the past month, an estimated 170...
Tutorial: How to go live via your smartphone
What if we told you that you could easily broadcast live on your radio station via your smartphone? Interested? Well, keep reading! Creating a live stream setup from your smartphone to your online RadioKing stream...
How to convert your audio files into MP3 format
Many of you have asked us how to convert your audio files to MP3 format. But come to think of it, why exactly does the Radio Manager only support this type of format?
How to get your “.radio” domain name!
Queue any epic, grandiose song that you’re aware of, the Dot-radio extension is finally here!
How to put your listeners on air using VoiceMeeter
In this article, @Xemles explains how to put your listeners on air with the help of VoiceMeeter on Windows. It can be incredibly useful to hear your listeners on the radio, or at least it gives you the impression...
How to add your Radio Station to iTunes
You might remember our previous blog articles on how to add your radio station to Streema and TuneIn. Well rewind back to earlier this year and you also might remember that Apple announced that it would be...
How to create your Radio Page
Just started your online station with RadioKing? Why not get noticed on our listening platform
Discover how to broadcast your radio station at 320 kbps!
We know to what extent the broadcast quality of your radio is important. As of now, the Radio Manager includes multi-encoding, allowing you to make the most of an optimized mobile stream and a HD stream. . This...
How to put your listeners on air
Being able to broadcast live telephone conversations can be a real bonus for your radio station. In fact, be it with listeners or with celebrities, the phone call is one of the simplest ways to create original and...
Register your radio station domain name today!
If your website is modelled after your radio station, your domain name must also be. For many radio station website owners, taking ownership of a domain name can be complicated. That’s why today, we’re...