How to write a great radio script
Writing a radio script for your live broadcast is the best way to prepare your radio show and ensure that you have a guide to follow. Not only does it help with the organization of your show, but it’s also a...
Make your radio station a must-have for the festive season
As the festive season approaches, discover how you can turn every listener into a contributor, every moment into an unforgettable memory and every note into a promise of exciting musical discoveries. Here are a few...
How to make a radio station: FAQ
Are you wondering how to make a radio station? There are many things to take into consideration when starting your own online radio, from the concept to the different ways to promote your station. In this article...
Best budget microphones for radio 2023
We’ve reached the final article in this 3-part series on low-budget radio equipment! After sharing our selection of headphones and mixers, this week we’re moving onto best budget microphones. USB...
How to soundproof your radio broadcasting studio
Creating a radio broadcasting studio that delivers crisp, professional-quality sound is a goal shared by all serious broadcasters. Crucial to achieving this gold standard audio is soundproofing.
Radio vs Podcast: How can online radio adapt?
Are podcasts becoming an important threat to online radio? Should we abandon live broadcasts and playlists in favor of RSS feeds? RadioKing has been an essential tool in the radio broadcasting profession for over a...
How to become a Radio Host in 2023
Since 2013, at RadioKing, we have been passionate about sharing what we know. ❤️
Radio broadcasting: What you need to know
Radio broadcasting has been a transformative force in the world of communication for over a century. Since its inception, radio has remained a loyal companion in our daily lives as it continues to evolve. Although...
Create an effective App for your Radio
Wondering why you should create an app for your radio station? Is it really worth it? What will your radio gain from it? Well, not only is an effective radio app a great way to avoid losing listeners, it also...
10 features for your Radio Mobile App
If you’re reading this, you probably already have your own radio station and are interested in creating or improving your radio mobile app. Creating a mobile app for your radio is a great way to provide easy access...
Why create a radio station for your business?
Establishing a radio station for your business offers a remarkable avenue to convey your narrative directly to your customers. While the era of tuning in solely for nostalgic 80s classics has evolved, the potency...
9 tips to get your radio station ready for September
September is just around the corner, so it’s time to say goodbye to the summer holidays and head back to work/school. As the days get a bit cooler and the leaves start to change color, radio stations...